擁有「金曲流量製作人」稱號的 rgry,在自身獨特、深厚的音樂見解及音色掌握度下,為台灣音樂圈製作多首讓聽眾單曲輪播的火紅作品,時常能見 rgry 將嘻哈、流行音樂、UK Garage 等曲風打理出自己的特色,並做出能夠平衡創新、流行音樂市場的作品,於 2017 年擔任熊仔、吳卓源合作作品製作人〈買榜〉,獲得 2018 年金曲最佳單曲製作人獎提,開始正式與熊仔展開長期合作的 rgry,則共同製作了豹子膽《夢想成真》專輯,也讓其拿下 2019 年度金音獎最佳嘻哈專輯獎,其中作品〈禁愛令〉則同樣獲得同年金音獎最佳嘻哈單曲獎,更在第 23 屆中華音樂人交流協會獎項中獲得了年度十大專輯殊榮。2021 年再次攜手熊仔並成為〈88BARS〉的單曲製作人,新穎且順耳的編曲聽感體驗再搭配熊仔強韌的韻腳技巧,不僅讓 rgry 又為自己增添一曲在 YouTube 破百萬的嘻哈神作,更獲得 2021 金音獎最佳嘻哈歌曲獎及 2022 年金曲獎最佳作詞人獎提名,並與 WADE DAO 組成饒舌雙人團體「FINX182」推出《SHUPA》EP 展開首次饒舌歌手生涯。2022 年則擔任熊仔《PRO》專輯的共同製作人,年中則宣布成為 NXWV 藝人音樂總監、專輯御用製作人。
Rgry is a prolific music producer in Taiwan known for his unique and deep understanding of music and mastery of sound. He often blends elements of hip-hop, pop, and UK Garage to create a distinct style and produces works that balance innovation and popularity. In 2017, he won the Golden Melody Award for Best Single Producer for his work on the collaboration between Kumachan and Julia Wu, "Mybong". In 2019, he produced the album "Sisyphus'Dream" for Kumachan, winning the Golden Indie Music Award for Best Hip-Hop Album. In 2021, he collaborated with Kumachan again and became the producer of "88BARS" , the song received the 2021 Golden Indie Music Award for Best Hip-Hop Song and he was also nominated for the 2022 Golden Melody Awards for Best Songwriter. In 2022, he serve as the co-producer of Kumachan's "PRO" album. In 2022, he announced his appointment as the music director and go-to producer for NXWV.
ARTIST - rgry
SOWUT - STAR (rgry Remix) (2023)
熊仔 Kumachan - 流水帳 FloWisdom (2023)
KUMACHAN - 88BARS (2021)
Majestic Casual - high2 (2017)
KUMACHAN / JULIA WU - 買榜 (2017)