身為知名大陸嘻哈廠牌重慶 GOSH 分支 - 永力兄弟會首位台灣成員的 Peatle,特殊的聲線及腔調在饒舌歌手中具備高度的辨識性。於 2021 年參加 MTV 節目《大嘻哈時代》獲得大量關注度,其中參賽作品〈愛 Aishiteru〉運用多年累積的現場演唱水準在節目中翻紅。同年更宣布加入 NXWV 新浪潮與鑽石級鬼才新人 SiNNER MOON 組成台灣首個嘻哈搖滾雙人樂團,也為本土音樂市場率先引進「Trap Metal」新興曲風。2022 年全新個人 EP《TETSUO SHIMA 鐵雄》不僅燃起自身中二魂並再續〈Akira〉前緣,PEALTE 也在此 EP 中將自身聚焦投射為「鐵雄」一角,以第一視角更加完整的呈現 PEATLE 之於 AKIRA 的精神世界觀,可見 PEATLE 在現實生活所面臨的不斷挑戰、掙扎,帶領聽眾循序漸進的體驗他多年來載浮載沉的個人心境,在野心的滿溢及反撲中找回平衡並重新出發。
Peatle, a highly recognizable rapper and the first Taiwanese member of the well-known Chinese hip-hop label GOSH Chongqing's Yongli Brothers, is known for his distinctive vocal style and flow. In 2021, he gained significant attention through his participation in the MTV program "MTV The Rappers S1" and his performance on the show turned his song "Aishiteru" into a hit. That same year, he announced his signing with NXWV and formed the Taiwan's first Hip-Hop Rock duo band, Wolf Pacc, with rising artist SiNNER MOON, introducing the emerging genre of Trap Metal in the local music scene. In 2022, Peatle released his EP "TETSUO SHIMA" which further explored his personal themes and interpretations. The EP showcases Peatle's struggles and challenges, and the ambition and resilience to regain balance and move forward.
SKIN (Official Visualizer)
ORION (Official MV)
TETSUO SHIMA (Official Visualizer)
Fallin (Official MV)