注意事項 : 此產品出貨時間預計為 10/02 當週
ATTENTION : Estimated shipping date October 2nd
隨著 Wolf Pacc 首張專輯《WARBABY》的發行,本次 NXWV 也以其作品所縈繞的反叛、入教的亞文化概念為啟發,共同呈現本系列周邊紀念產品。
War Flash Long Sleeve T-shirt 以白色作為基底搭配寬鬆合領的 Boxy 修身廓型。正面胸口印有全新 Slam 字體 logo 印花外,雙袖則印有全新 Berserk(狂戰士)族徽及本次的專輯的名稱 ”𝔚𝔄ℜ𝔅𝔄𝔅𝔜”(WARBABY),背面則是由刺青師 Hugoyellow 所繪製的戰爭概念圖,除了以刺青文化之意象帶出亞文化色彩,局部磨破處理效果亦將狼群征戰後使敵人遭破壞殆盡的意象完整傳遞。
- 產品白色
- 寬鬆版型
- 小高領設計
- 前後身網版印刷
- 袖身網版印刷
- 破壞細節
- NXWV識別側標
- 模特兒:172cm / 65kg 穿著Medium
Introducing the NXWV Collection inspired by the rebellious and cult-like subculture themes that permeate Wolf Pacc's debut album, "WARBABY."
The War Flash Long Sleeve T-shirt is designed with a crisp white canvas and features a loose-fitting Boxy silhouette. The front proudly displays the all-new Slam font logo, while the sleeves bear the emblem of the Berserk symbol along with the album's title, "𝔚𝔄ℜ𝔅𝔄𝔅𝔜" (WARBABY). On the back, a war-themed illustration meticulously crafted by tattoo artist Hugoyellow, serving as the visual centerpiece of this album. Besides its showcasing subcultural nuances, also incorporates a distressed effect in certain areas, symbolizing the havoc wreaked by the wolf pack during their battles, leaving their adversaries in ruins.
- Color: White
- Loose fit
- Mock neck design
- Front and back body silk print
- Sleeve silk print
- Distressed details
- NXWV identification side label
- Model: 172cm / 65kg wearing Medium